Thermal rectifiers

Heat is a ubiquitous form of energy, of which we have limited control. Waste heat limits the performance of the smallest chips present in electronic devices, such as laptop computers and cellular phones. Energy supply and cooling is also a challenge for the large data centers and supercomputers. Therefore, efficiently harnessing thermal energy would have an enormous societal impact.Effective control of heat currents requires the development of a new class of nanoscale thermal devices, namely thermal rectifier and amplifiers, analogous to electronic diodes and transistors.  Nonlinear dynamics indicates possible pathways toward thermal diodes and transistors, for a review paper, see G. Benenti, G. Casati, C. Mejia-Monasterio and M. Peyrard, From thermal rectifiers to thermoelectric devices, preprint arXiv:1512.06889 [cond-mat.stat-mech], in Springer Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 921 Thermal transport in low dimensions: from statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer, edited by S. Lepri (2016).

Thermal diode with a ballistic spacer

A general and yet unsolved problem of thermal rectifiers is that rectification rapidly decays to zero as the size increases. This effect is at first sightunavoidable since, for a given temperature bias, the temperature gradientdecreases as the system size increases. Consequently, the linear response regime where rectification vanishes should be approached. From a practical viewpoint, it would be highly desirable to overcome this problem, since it is difficult to apply large temperature biases on small sizes. We have shown [1] that a mass-graded system, with two diffusive leads separated by a ballistic spacer, can exhibit large thermal rectification effect, with the rectification factor independent of system size. The underlying mechanism is explained in terms of the effective size-independent thermal gradient and the match/mismatch of the phonon bands. We also show the robustness of the thermal diode upon variation of the model's parameters. Our finding suggests a promising way for designing realistic efficient thermal diodes.

Model of a thermal diode with a ballistic spacer


[1] S. Chen, D. Donadio, G. Benenti and G. Casati, An efficient thermal diode with ballistic spacer, Phys. Rev. E 97, 030101(R) (2018).