2e - a two electron atom program (C)

Version 1.0  15 September 2000

2e is a code for computing the wave function for a two-electron atom.

The trial function is a linear combination of correlated exponentials Exp[a r1 + b r2 + c r12] but the code is modular, and it should be very easy to add support for other basis sets, like Gaussians.
Given a basis, the code computes a selected eigenvalue (and the associated eigenvector).
The user must select the nuclear charge, the spin state (triplet or singlet), a trial value for the desired eigenvalue and the number of functions the program must use.
If desired, the final basis can be saved to a file named "newbasis.dat" and the matrix elements can be saved to the files "smat.dat" for overlap elements, and "hmat.dat" for hamiltonian elements.

Basis set

The basis set is represented by  a list of exponents a,b and c. The parameters a and b must be negative. If they are positive the program changes their sign.

The simplest way to use the code is to supply a user generated basis set in file "basis.dat". The program then computes the eigenvalue and eigenvector. If the basis set has 16 functions the input fragment goes like this:

read_basis_from_file = 1
functions_on_file = 16
strategy = 0

1 stands for TRUE and 0 for FALSE.

the variable strategy rules how the program generate and process the basis set.
If strategy=0 the program, after reading the basis set from the file, does nothing else.
If strategy=1 the program generates randomly up to max_functions functions. Of course you have the option to read some functions from file and then generate the others randomly.
If strategy=2 the  program adds one function at a time until max_functions functions have been generated.  The added function is the best between trials  functions generated randomly.
The parameters, for strategy=1 and strategy=2, are randomly selected between the user selected parameter_limits. In the case below,  a is selected between 0 and -2, b between -2 and -4 and c between 0 and -2.
The starting random seed is read from  random_seed  in the input file. If this is zero, or is not found, a random random seed is selected ;-)

Below you will find a sample input file and a typical output file

The program is started with    2e < input_file

Download the latest version

! input file for 2e

spin_state = 1                      ! +1 = singlet  -1 = triplet
charge = 2                          ! nuclear charge
trial_eigenvalue = -2.9038          ! value close to the desired eigenvalue

random_seed = 12345                 ! optional. default=0 (randomize)

save_matrix_elements = 0            ! optional. default=0
save_basis = 0                      ! optional. default=0

read_basis_from_file = 0
functions_on_file = 16

strategy = 2           # 0=do_nothing   1=add_random   2=add_best_random

max_functions = 20
trials = 20000

 0 -2
-2 -4
 0 -2


  2e : a two-electron atom program


spin_state = 1
charge = 2.000000
trial_eigenvalue = -2.903800
random_seed = 12345
strategy = 2
save_matrix_elements = 0
save_basis = 0
max_functions = 20
Initialize: allocate 20
trials = 20000
Parameter limits: 0.000000 2.000000 2.000000 4.000000 0.000000 -2.000000

n =   1 E = -2.872393916
n =   2 E = -2.900330297
n =   3 E = -2.900877299
n =   4 E = -2.901908425
n =   5 E = -2.902386389
n =   6 E = -2.902938662
n =   7 E = -2.903223975
n =   8 E = -2.903383050
n =   9 E = -2.903468715
n =  10 E = -2.903578196
n =  11 E = -2.903643307
n =  12 E = -2.903658074
n =  13 E = -2.903682867
n =  14 E = -2.903693348
n =  15 E = -2.903696568
n =  16 E = -2.903698492
n =  17 E = -2.903702647
n =  18 E = -2.903711371
n =  19 E = -2.903715862
n =  20 E = -2.903717734