
  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per i posti residui per l'ammissione al XXVIII ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 4 gennaio 2013 ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline January 4th).
  • In December there will be a further call for one fellowship and three free positions. For details refer to the Official PhD Office web page
  • Graduatoria finale degli idonei per il concorso di ammissione al Dottorato Ciclo XXVIII:
    Candidato titoli orale


    ROSSI ELENA 45/60 52/60


    MAGLIA DAVIDE 46/60 42/60


    ARRIGO FRANCESCA 38/60 42/60    80/120
    TENCONI MARINA 30/60 41/60    71/120


  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per l'ammissione al XXVIII ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 14 settembre 2012 ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline September 14th).
  • Final PhD dissertation XXIV ciclo:
    26th March at 14.00 in room VA1 (Anello Via Valleggio, floor -1)
    the following PhD students present the thesis work:
    - Kengni Jotsa Antoine Celestin
    - Luca Raimondi
  • E' stato pubblicata la graduatoria del concorso per l'ammissione al XXVII ciclo di dottorato (scadenza immatricolazioni 8 novembre 2011).
  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per l'ammissione al XXVII ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 16 settembre 2011 ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline September 16th).
  • Final PhD dissertation XXIII ciclo:
    16th March at 14.00 in room A04 Via Anzani
    the following PhD students present the thesis work:
    de Francesco Albasini Luisa
    - Ngondiep Eric
    Sesana Debora

  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per l'ammissione al XXVI ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 30 settembre 2010 ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline September 30th).
  • Presentazione di fine anno accademico:
    27 Novembre 2009 ore 11.00 in aula 4.14, via Valleggio 11.
    Ogni dottorando avra' a disposizione circa 25 min.
  • Presentazione di fine anno accademico:
    12 Dicembre 2008 ore 14.00 in aula magna 'Casati', via Valleggio 11.
    13.00-14.00 Riunione Collegio Docenti
    14.00-16.00 Presentazioni attivita' Dottorandi ciclo XXIII (30 min. ciascuno)
    16.00-16.30 Riunione con i dottorandi per l'offerta formativa
  • Graduatoria finale degli idonei per il concorso di ammissione al Dottorato Ciclo XXIV:
    Candidato titoli orale


    RAIMONDI LUCA 36/60 50/60




    SOLEIMANIAMIRI SAJJAD 6/60 45/60    51/120


  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per l'ammissione al XXIV ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 18 settembre ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline September 18th).
  • Il Ministero con DM datato 18 giugno 2008 ha stabilito l'aumento dell'importo annuo lordo delle borse per la frequenza ai dottorati di ricerca. L'aumento ha valore retroattivo dal 1° gennaio 2008. L'ufficio Post laurea, l'Ufficio Ragioneria e l'Ufficio Missioni e Compensi Vari stanno predisponendo le pratiche per accreditare ai dottorandi borsisti gli arretrati dovuti e per adeguare i nuovi accrediti. Di seguito il link al DM:
  • There will be an open competition for PhD positions in Mathematics in Italy (link). Selection procedures will be carried on this summer according to Italian National rules. Deadline for applications is April 30th. If selected, you will be able to choose directly our University as your host institution without any further procedure.
    Let me give you briefly a few additional pieces of info.
    The salary is about 1,000 euros per month, after taxes.
    Since many years now INDAM (an Italian academic institution) funds grants for non EU foreign students enrolled in PhD courses. In the year 2007, four grants were awarded. Three are expected to be in 2008. Please find here the related announcement: in your application you must state a "declaration of intents" for applying to a specified Italian PhD course in mathematics at an Italian university (you may choose Dottorato in Matematica del Calcolo at Insubria U. - Como) within the end of the same year. A copy of the application to the Italian PhD course must be attached.
                                                                          Prof. Stefano Serra-Capizzano

  • Gene Golub passed away
  • Graduatoria finale degli idonei per il concorso di ammissione al Dottorato Ciclo XXIII:
    Candidato titoli orale


    ALAIA ALESSANDRO 50/60 60/60


    SESANA DEBORA 50/60 60/60


    DALLA PIAZZA FRANCESCO 40/60 45/60    85/120
    CICONE ANTONIO 35/60 50/60    85/120
    HAJEK STEFANO 40/60 45/60    85/120
    NGONDIEP ERIC 30/60 40/60    70/120

  • E' stato pubblicato il bando per l'ammissione al XXIII ciclo di dottorato (scadenza 20 settembre ore 12.00).
    Foreign candidates to the PhD program in Computational Mathematic are invited to contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (, for information on the content and on the forms for the formal application (deadline September 20th).
    Application form (download)
    Concerning your potential participation to the selection procedure (an interview November 8th, of more or less one hour, on your interest and expertise in Mathematics), here is some more precise information:
    1) There are up to 5 positions without salary (people usually take such positions if they have already some kind of salary and/or support from other institutions); 2 of these are reserved to non-EU candidates. If any of you are interested in this kind of position, please
     contact the coordinator Serra Capizzano  (
    2) There are 3 positions with a salary of about 900 euros per month (after tax); one of them is on a specific theme i.e. Web Search Engines and/or Algorithms for Image/Signal reconstructions. The salary is not high but you can live in Como, also because we can help you in finding cheap accommodation.
    3) For these positions (both of type 1) and 2)) you have to attend to the selection procedure, which will be in Como, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Via Valleggio 11, 22100 – Como (Italy). The date is November 8th, at 2 pm, Room 4.14 (4th floor) or Aula Magna (ground floor). 
    4) To attend to the selection procedure it is necessary to pay 40 euros (forty euros) into the University Administration via Postal Account cc 1422621, Servizio Tesoreria, U. Insubria, via Ravasi 2, Varese. Since such a payment into a Postal Account could be non-trivial, we have decided that for foreign candidates it may be made once you arrive in Italy for the selection procedure (for instance, on November 8th in the morning).
    Since traveling to Italy could be non-trivial, we decided to give the possibility of interviewing the foreign candidates by video-conference. In that case the 40 euros should be paid by bank transfer to the  Postal Account cc 1422621, Servizio Tesoreria, U. Insubria, via Ravasi 2, Varese, before the interview.
    6) To attend to the selection procedure it is also necessary to fill in an
    Application form. Be careful in filling it in and in presenting the correct documents. You should then send the Application Form, properly filled in and signed, the requested documents, presentation letters, a detailed CV, and a list of your relevant scientific activities (honours, merits, school attended, conferences attended, abstracts, published papers etc.)  to: Magnifico Rettore, Univ. Insubria, Via Ravasi 2, 21100 Varese – Italy. Oggetto: Domanda Ammissione Dottorato in Matematica del Calcolo.
    Since the translation in Italian of the Master Degree Certificate could be expensive and time consuming, we decided that it could be presented just before the formal beginning of the PhD activity (typically in late December or in January).