LYNUM-IV: Lombardy Young NUmerical analysts Meeting

Como, May 10th 2022


Program and abstracts



We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of Lombardy Young NUmerical analysts Meeting (LYNUM-IV). This year the workshop moves to Como. The previous editions were held in

Università Statale di Milano (2017)

Università di Milano-Bicocca (2018)

Università degli Studi di Pavia (2019)

The meeting aims at building connections and sharing knowledge among the young researchers in Lombardy working in the fields of numerical analysis and scientific computing.

The meeting will take place on May 10th 2022 in Chiostro di S. Abbondio of the University of Insubria (Via S. Abbondio, 12, 22100, Como) maps.

Participation is free, but we kindly ask you to send us an email at

if you are planning to attend.